Course curriculum

    1. FFMQ Purpose, Instructions, Scoring

    2. Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)

    1. Beginnings

    2. Respiration

    1. Session 1- Beginnings

    2. Texture of the Breath - exhale

    3. Texture of the Breath - inner space

    1. Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation

    2. Session 2 Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation

    3. Physiological sighs guided practice

    1. Process of Respiration Week 3

    2. Focusing Techniques

    3. Session 3 Live Respiration

    1. Meditation and the Mind

    2. Inefficient and Efficient Breathing

    3. Session 4- Meditation, the mind, and breathing

About this course

  • $350.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 15 hours of video content